Fried in a pan or grilled on the barbecue for 8 minutes.
White sausages are consumed cooked through and are perfect when served with mashed celery and a vegetable salad.
White sausages are consumed cooked through and are perfect with mashed celery and a vegetable salad in summer.
Ce produit peut aussi contenir des traces de :
gluten, mustard, sulphates, lactose.
PREPARATION : Unwrap the sausages
These white sausages are made with a natural pork casing with a diameter of 28 to 30 mm. It is a traditional Alsatian product. While cooking and at the end, make sure to take every necessary precaution while handling the hot sausages (heat proof gloves, etc.).
White sausages can be frozen before their indicated use by date. Afterwards, they must be defrosted 24 hours in advance (in the fridge at +4°C) to consume them. Then follow the indicated cooking instructions. Once defrosted, the sausages must be cooked straight away.
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