Reheat in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°C (thermostat 6) or in a microwave oven for 6 minutes at 600 W
The sauerkraut is best enjoyed hot, as it is.
The quality of the product we are proposing is unique and is considered by many alsatians to be just like the sauerkraut their grandmothers made. You simply need to try it yourself to find out.
Ce produit peut aussi contenir des traces de :
Gluten, mustard, sulphates, lactose, celery.
If you use a mini or gas oven, do not use the tray. Instead, place the products into a heat proof dish.
The Winstub or Winstub is a convivial Alsatian restaurant chain. We go their to meet, exchange and sympathize all the while savoring wine and traditional Alsatian dishes.
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